Consultancy Proposal For The Evaluation Of Sarw
1. Introduction
These Terms of Reference (ToRs) outline the Southern Africa Resources Watch (SARW)’s intention
to conduct an organisational and programmatic evaluation. This evaluation is designed to measure
the effectiveness and success of SARW’s programs and policies as well as the overall organisational
footprint and identify areas of potential improvement. This programmatic and organisational
evaluation will measure what is working and what is not.
2. Background and rationale
By the end of 2023, SARW will be five years as an independent organisation since it was spun off
from Open Society in 2018. This period will also coincide with the lapsing of its current and first
strategic plan as a standalone organisation. SARW has a unique opportunity to conduct an in-depth
evaluation of the organisation as a precursor for its next five years.
3. Evaluation objective(s)
The objectives of the evaluation are:
• to reflect on SARW’s first five years of operations and prepare it for its next phase.
• to consolidate its professional, effective and efficient execution and implementation of its
mission and programmes in an impactful manner that has a positive and lasting impact on
• To learn from SARW’s journey to date with the aim of repositioning, strengthening fitness
of purpose and impact.